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Contrast Injector Service Training is all we do!
We provide service training on contrast injectors manufactured by Bayer/Medrad®, Liebel-Flarsheim™ and Tyco/Covidien. The training for each model comes with:

  • Training by a professional BMET Instructor (not just a field service engineer 'showing you how to do it').
  • Custom written, highly detailed step by step service manuals produced by Maull Biomedical Training (45 to 95 pages each, depending on the model).
  • Extensive PM/Cal checksheets that coincide with the service training manuals.
  • Lists (and source) of the most commonly replaced PM parts.
  • Lists (and source) of tools and test equipment needed.
  • Free Tech Support from Maull Biomedical and Injector Support & Service.

Training by a Professional BMET Instructor

Steve Maull is not just some former field service engineer showing you the ropes. He was a BMET for 7 years before he became a professional BMET Instructor and Curriculum Developer in 1997 while serving 11 years in the US Air Force and has been teaching BMETs ever since. He provides high quality contrast injector service training that will allow you to perform your own operational inspections, preventive maintenance, calibrations, calibration verifications and repairs.

iCIST: Integrated Contrast Injector Software Tool

A custom developed software program created to simplify the PM procedure and reporting process that gives you the ability to provide an extensive PM Report (including pressure graphs) to the end user. In most instances the report can also be uploaded into your CMMS.

Student Testimonials:

"Class is very hands-on and the training manuals and procedures are high quality. I highly recommend it." - Matt S.

"I enjoyed your classes immensely. It has built my confidence and understanding greatly. I have no qualms undertaking any repair or calibration." - Don G.

"Everyone enjoyed the class, the materials were well constructed and the training systems worked great. That's hard to pull off!" - Russell L.

"I really enjoyed the class, I had lots of fun. The hands on/lab work you had us do was awesome. Thanks for all your great feedback and professional training we received from you at Maull Biomedical." -Jorge A.

Call Maull Biomedical Training TODAY to find out how to save your facility $1000's off service contracts!

440-724-7511 | |